Friday, December 28, 2007

Whoa. Fall.

I am struck by how oblivious of certain things I was when I was still a city girl. Especially the seasons. But if you really think about it, what evidence of fall do you really see in the city? Your tree looks a bit bare and you have to rake your yard or suffer your neighbor's wrath. But living here, when fall came it came with a vengeance. Yes, the leaves fell off the trees. All 20 or so in our yard. One day it was like an entire forest molted right on top of us. I've never seen drifts of leaves like we've experienced here. But the most striking difference of all, is looking out our back windows over the back pasture. When we moved here it was so green and ALIVE that I told my husband I had a certain degree of irrational panic in my chest that we were at war with nature and it was about to win and swallow us up. Everything was so BIG and so GREEN and so many many MANY BUGS. You've never seen bugs like we had when we moved here in August. All the normal stuff, mosquitoes and the like, but also copious amounts of wolf spiders, crickets, and these huge terrifying orange and black striped centipedes everywhere you stepped in the yard. (Here's a picture of those nasty things. Ayden made me go "bug hunting" with him our first day here....ewwwww!) You could not walk 5 feet without seeing one of those things. Really. The chickens went mad for it when I first turned them out. Here are some before and after pictures of the back pasture. It's amazing to me how different they look.

August 2007

December 2007

1 comment:

Danni said...

Wow - love the summer vs. winter pictures...your property looks beautiful no matter the season, though. You asked me a number of questions on some of my posts (thank you!) - I'm a bit confused about the etiquette to answering these (do I answer within my own blog or do I come back to your blog? If I answer in my blog, who remembers to come back to find their answers??). Nevertheless, I will answer you in my specific posts that you asked them in and hope that you'll go back to see :-). *Please* let me know if there's a better way for me to do this.
How funny - my son is named Aidan, though my guy just turned 16. He would have loved the bug hunt you went on, too!