Thursday, December 27, 2007

Louie Finds His Mojo

Today a little excitement was thrown into my morning routine. Normally just after waking up, I slip on my pink fuzzy robe and head out to the big picture window in the computer room to look out at the dawning day and see what the goats are up to. Today, this is what I was greeted with.

When I first looked out at them, I noticed Lucy had her bottom up in Louies face flagging her tail back and forth on his nose, and he was enjoying it as much as she was. He'd get so excited that he'd tip his head down and put his forehead against her bottom and give her a good push. I thought, great, my buck is so confused that he thinks he's gonna knock her up by giving her a good headbutting to her privates. But then, to my great surprise, he gave a little hop like he was thinking about mounting her. I naturally ran for the camera. Here's what I saw.

*Ok, so I'm gonna go ahead and issue a warning here for those of you with delicate sensibilities. You know who you are.*

Ladies and Gentlemen, Louie has just found his mojo. I do believe he has finally figured out what to do with a girly goat who's feeling frisky. When Dustin saw the video, he said, "It looks like someone fluffing a couple of pillows." He he. I'm not sure if Louie made full contact, and I did not see Lucy arch her back (the equivalent of a goaty orgasm), but he's got unlimited access to her so with practice he may just get it perfect. Lucy seems pretty happy with all the attention, and I saw her just after this video was taken actually walking backwards flagging her tail all about. Guess she's decided to lead with her business end. :)

Could we possibly have baby Angoras on the horizon?


Anonymous said...

Delicate sensibilities, me? Nah. But this video was hardly the money-shot I'd expect compared to a goat's who-ha pictured on promently on an earlier post. But still, thanks for the warning... so far, you've never failed to amaze, stun, inspire, or gross out.

farm mama said...

I would say a definite prospect of a fluffy white baby in late spring.

goatgirl said...

Thank goodness I got high speed internet just in time for that!