Friday, December 28, 2007

Still Not Missing Any Fingers

The goat barn is still a work in progress, but it's slowly but surely coming along. Jesse helped me put half of the roof up last Saturday morning (kill me now). It took a few hours and quite a bit of screaming and even a little blood on Jesse's part, but we got it up, with only one sheet that does not lay flush against the other. It was the last sheet of metal roofing, and by that point I just did not care anymore. I'll figure out a way to plug it later.
A few days ago (Wednesday) Dustin helped me tack up the OSB along one wall while Ayden was sleeping. I got a chance to show off my circular saw skills for him, but I still can't tell if he's impressed or not. He seems more leery than anything. Then last night he helped me hang up the new hay rack I'd just purchased at our local feed store. As always, we did it by flashlight because the only chance we have to do such things is after Ayden goes to bed at 8 p.m. The thing is huge and as soon as we put some hay in it, Tierra and Louie started chowing down, and would not let anybody else near it. Lucy stood close by waiting her turn, giving a running head-butt to Sahara and Harmony if they dared think of entering the goat barn. You know you've got it bad when Lucy's picking on you. I think I've figured out the herd hierarchy. Tierra, Louie, Lucy, then Harmony and Sahara somewhere about the same level as pond scum. Anyway, I sat out there with them for a little while after finishing with the hay rack and just watched them be. (Yes, I was wearing the aforementioned Sasquatch Onesie, and was therefore warm and toasty and probably could have happily spent all night out there.) When I closed the gate as I left, I heard a scuffle coming from behind me and turned just in time to see Sahara running full tilt at Lucy and finally standing up for herself a little. Good for her, I say. She's got a good 10-20 lbs on Lucy; she could take her.

Well. I just went out to take a picture of our nifty new hay rack and feed the goats, and guess what? I shoved a big flake of hay into it and it fell down. *sigh* I knew it was too heavy for those little screws. So much for a picture of my shoddy handywork. Instead, Dustin took a picture of me and Louie hanging out on the picnic table (he says it looks like we're having a lover's quarrel). I also rigged up a light out in the goat-barn-becoming, and man, let me tell you, its glorious to finally be able to SEE! I was able to get a picture of it all pretty and illuminated. You can see all the leaves my mom raked in there today when she came to babysit Tierra. This morning when I was feeding everybody I noticed her vagina was really looooong. Like, 5 inches or so, and looking really stretched out and droopy. And I even caught her pawing at the ground, and it had me all panicked that she was going into early labor or something. Of course I would have to go into work all day today at the library, so I called my mom first thing this morning and she volunteered to come keep an eye out since she had the day off anyway. That's devotion, ladies and gentlemen. To make a long story short, by this afternoon everything looks normal again and maybe Tierra is just deliberately trying to freak me out. While I was sitting out there with them a few minutes ago, I put my hand on her belly and I felt the tiniest little poke against my palm. It's possible that I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I just felt my first goat baby move. :)


Danni said...

OMG - you felt the baby goat move inside his/her mama! How amazing that must have are SO living my dream.
I haven't decided what type of goats I will have yet but I'm pretty certain I won't be using them for production (milk or hair), so it probably won't matter which breed. I tend to lean more toward the sanctuary/rescue stuff right now, but who knows how things will develop once I get out to our new place. And reading your blog may just inspire me!

The Keegans said...

That's completly freaky!!! Please have Ayden's B-day at your house so we have a sure reason that we have to go out there. Not that we don't we just forget sometimes. Anyways, I'll let you fondle your animals a little more....

goatgirl said...

I have spent many minute with my hand on the side of a doe and never tire of the feel of a tiny kick. You never quite believe they are pregnant until you feel it.
I am so excited for you.