Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Are You Kidding Me?

I'm gonna go ahead and give you a minute to really look at that picture. Really. Go ahead and click on it and see if you can figure out what's happening in that picture. Take your time.

Finished? What would you say this is a picture of?

Here, let me give you a hint:

Yes. That is Louie. In my lap. I'm just sitting there minding my own business reading my book about Henry beheading his wives, when Louie comes up to me and wants a scratch. I'm thrilled that he's warming up to people so much, so I give him some lovin'. Then I try to go back to reading my book and next thing I know there's a buck in my lap. I happened to have the composure to take a picture with my free hand.



Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Goats are so much like puppies aren't they?! haha!

Our female angora acts similar and follows me everywhere.

Funny thing about your goat-on-the-lap photo, too. I like to sit in my chicken's coop and drink my tea in the morning. The other day one of my chickens hopped onto my lap...and I took a photo of it and posted it to my Blog. So reading your Blog now is like a deja vu! haha

deconstructingVenus said...

Ok, now I cannot wait to delve into your blog. You sound just like me, sitting in the chicken coop!