Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Adventures in the Sunshine

Today is Tierra's due date and still no babies. At this point I am still sleeping with the monitor on and now getting up in the middle of the night and traipsing out to the barn to check on her. Lets hope it will happen tonight so I can be put out of my misery!

I have not had much time to spend with Harmony's new babies, as Ayden has been sick all weekend and now of course Dustin and I have it. Between my 3 year old walking petri dish bringing every germ in the county to our doorstep and lack of sleep from watching Tierra, it was inevitable. But, here are some pictures and videos I took of the babies this afternoon when I had a little time between coughing/sneezing fits.

As you can probably see, Mumble has perked up just about as much as his sister, and his new favorite thing is to stand on his mom. She let them play king of the mountain on her for a good 5 minutes before she got tired of it and got up. Her and the babies had their fill of sunshine today because had the entire goat pen to themselves today with nobody but slow-moving Tierra to bother them. She left them alone unless they got too close then would swipe half heartedly at them with her head.


Christy said...

They really are too cute! Makes me want some goats. What type are they? And I tagged you for the archive meme, see my blog for details.

Marigold said...

I love the picture of the 'King of the Mountain'. That is the ultimate goat toy. I wonder if I could do that on Boo???