Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mighty Mouse Has Nothing On Dustin

We had some excitement today with Louie. My theory is that he was tired of all the fuss over Harmony and the babies and was not going to be outdone. So he went and got himself entangled in some blackberry brambles. And when I say entangled, I mean ENTANGLED. I was headed out the back door to take some scraps to the chickens and I heard an ungodly crying coming from the back pasture and could barely see Louie through the weeds. I noticed that he seemed to be lunging but not getting anywhere. I hollered for Dustin and he went sprinting back there, even jumping over the fence to get to him. I noticed Dustin hurdling the fence was a much smother operation than the time I tried to hoist myself over it to chase That Chicken, but I am coming to terms with that. When Dustin got back there this is what he was greeted with:

As bad as his chest looked in this photo, both of his sides were nearly as bad. Heavens. It took the two of us, 15 minutes, a pair of scissors, and some leather gloves to free Louie of his bonds. Dustin said when he first got back there that the brambles were all over his face and soft little ears, but thankfully he was able to get those free by the time I arrived, camera in tow.

After he freed Louie, Dustin scooped him up in his arms and carried him all the way back to the goat pen, about a hundred feet, which included jumping over a 2 foot wide ditch! Mom and I were suitably impressed. I don't know how much Louie weighs, but I feel nervous jumping that ditch myself and my 61 year old mother wouldn't even attempt it. I kept thinking of the line at the beginning of The Incredibles when Mr. Incredible says, "Sometimes I just want the world to stay saved. I mean, I feel like the maid, 'Didn't I just clean this place up?!" Anyway, Dustin carried him all the way back home and locked him in the pen to ensure there would not be a sequel. Now if that isn't the sexist sight you've ever seen I just don't know what is.


Marigold said...

Woo Hoo! What a man! He isn't any Gunner, but he's pretty good for a human. :)

Anonymous said...

I want one- cute little booger baby goat that is! But ah! I would have to agree, Dut is looking rather dashing in his wool.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yes, I agree with you.....strangely sexy....
