Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two Thumbs Up: Goats Gone Wild

Here's a couple movies I've taken of the goats over the last month or so and forgot to post. This first one you can see Lucy hauling butt around the goat pen just because she can. I've never seen a goat move that fast! (That's me talking on the phone to my mother that you hear. I have not lost my mind.)

This one is really funny, it was taken 2 days ago when all my goats lost their minds. Well, except for Tierra who is so hugely pregnant that all she did was scowl from the door of the goat barn. I was home with Ayden and happened to look out the window and see Sahara and Louie slamming heads. Really weird considering Louie has expressed not even the slightest interest in the two new Nigerians, not even so much as a Hi-how-are-ya. Sahara was rearing up on her hind legs and beating Louie back, who I began to realize was chasing Sahara. And then trying to mount her. On her face. *sigh* Sahara was running full-tilt around the pen to get away from him, and then I saw her go over to Harmony (her daughter, mind you!) and mount HER! What?! I ran for the camera and was just in time to capture Louie advancing on Sahara, her butting him off, and then Louie doing a feisty little triple axle move in mid-air. Whoa! Did I mention that the whole time Louie was chasing Sahara, Lucy was chasing him? It was mayhem.

Unfortunately, all these signs point to Sahara not being pregnant after all and that she may have just gone back into heat. But apparently she's always been hormonal during her pregnancies and it is not unusual for her to mount other does at that time. She also had a healthy bit of goo swinging from her bottom, which can also be a sign of heat, but that, too, is normal for her during pregnancy. So we'll just have to watch and see if this all happens again in 18-22 days. If it does, and she is truly not bred, then Puck will get to show his stuff sooner rather than later! Bucklings are actually virile from as early as 7 weeks old and at that point need to be separated from not only their mother but their sisters. Heavens!


goatgirl said...
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goatgirl said...

Wow, a lot going on at your place! It wasn't too long ago that you were wishing for a Nigerian. Now you will have a barnfull.
So now you join me in discovering the joys of owning a buck. Puck is really cute and I wouldn't mind the horns. I have heard that bucks can be fertile early but am now just starting to see Ruckus, at 5 months, have any interest. He was a bit interested in a doe today but needed a step ladder to do anything about it. I hope by next month he will be ready.
As for the eggs, that's what I love about having animals, you never know what you will find. A surprise around every corner.
Love the pictures!

deconstructingVenus said...

Tell me about it! This place is exploding, and the babies haven't even started to arrive yet! Now I have not one, not two, but three Nigerians! You mean it about the horns? I feel like I've betrayed something or broken some rule almost! But we got a registered $400 buckling for $100. How can a girl pass that up, tell me!

deconstructingVenus said...

I meant to mention that Puck's breeder said he's already starting to act bucky and she had to remove him from the girls. I did let Sahara in his stall with him for a few minutes as she seemed to remember him, and he was giving her bottom a good sniffing. He he.

Christy said...

They sure are cute. It looks like they have a reall good area.

deconstructingVenus said...

Hi! Thanks for commenting! Yes, they have a HUGE pen! Our yard is so big that my husband said to give them as much as I can because it'd be that much less he'd have to mow. ;) Spoiled goats.

goatgirl said...

I mean it about the horns! Nigerians are gentle, even the bucks. I think you did good. Everyone has their opinion on what you should or shouldn't do but horns won't change his bloodlines. Goats have horns and it's just us humans that think they shouldn't.
Enjoy him horns and all.

Kats_Kritters said...

The goat videos are adorable! I would love to have a goat or two of my own.. =/

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Those videos are a riot! And your little snort made me snort, too! hehe