1. For those of you who've seen the movie Tombstone, you know the villain who in the opening scene kills the bride and groom as they leave the chapel? His name is Curly Bill Brosius. And I am related to him. My mother's maiden name is actually Brosius. My husband is tickled by this fact to no end, and was astounded the first time he made me watch that movie when I jumped up and paused it and said, "Holy crap! I'm related to that guy!" All I'd known was that there was some shady western guy in my family tree by the ridiculous name of Curly Bill. I had no idea I was descended from such legendary stock! That movie has a veritable cult following, and I am therefore to be worshiped. A little.
2. I am double jointed in my knees. I thought everybody's knees made nasty grinding noises when they bent their knees backwards a little. Apparently they don't, because they can't. Oh.
3. I grew up traveling the US and Mexico, and attended public school in Sonora, Mexico for a few years when I was about 9. I spoke fluent Spanish, which has since seeped out of my ears in my sleep, apparently. I can still understand about 70% of what I hear, but can only regurgitate about 20% when I have to speak it.
4. I used to have my nipples pierced. And yes, it did hurt. Worse than natural childbirth.
5. I lost my virginity in kindergarten. My boyfriend (who I "dated" straight through 2nd grade) told me at recess one day that he saw his parents "do it" and would I like to try. I thought about it, and said, "Sure!" So we met at the bottom of the playground where there was a small grassy slope. By this time a whole crowd of 5 year olds had gathered to see exactly how "it" was done. Brandon (my bf) told me that we were going to lie down and wrap our arms around each other and roll down the hill, in other words, "doing it." We rolled down that hill in front of the entire kindergarten class, and I have to say, when I got up amidst reverent whispers of, "Wow...they just did it!" and brushed the grass clippings from myself I felt quite the woman.
6. I LOVE to bellydance. I was taking a class in Charleston before we moved out here to the farm, and was actually taking private tutoring lessons from the Bellydance Troupe leader practicing my audition piece for the troupe tryouts in July. I would have made it, too, and gone on to shake my mommy belly for half of Charleston, but instead I set aside that dream to move an hour away to the sticks and be a farmer. But I've never regretted it for a minute. There will be another opportunity for bellydance, I know.
7. I enjoy doing mildly shocking/obscene things to inanimate objects. Hence this picture taken on our honeymoon in Canada.
I now tag the following sites for 7 Things we don't know about them!
And a special thanks to the person who was kind enough to put us on this list in the first place!
Nature's Harmony Farm
- Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Post 7 random or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
- Tag 7 people and link to them.
- Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.