Well, the new digital camera finally came so I can post some belated pictures of the aftereffects of what the goats suffered.
Here is a picture of Sable, bent neck and all. Her neck is permanently bent in this position. Its still pretty scabby and scaly looking. She was doing much better until a couple weeks ago when all of a sudden she couldn't walk again. I suspect Lucy head butted her and screwed up her broken neck even more. She's back to walking now, actually more stumbling about like a drunk from a now pinched spinal nerve (thank you, Lucy), but I usually have to help her to her feet. As of last night when I saw Lucy haul off and butt her for no reason as she trying to hide up against the side of the barn, I've decided that when the goats are out when I'm home Lucy will either have to stay shut up in the barn or locked back in the back pasture. Sable needs to be out in the sunshine and fresh air, and Lucy can be the one to pay the consequences.Lucy's face has healed so incredibly that I still just can't believe that's the same goat who's eye we thought was missing and her whole face was covered in blood! Her eye has healed so well that you can barely see the scar on the inside corner anymore.She also had a huge half dollar size hole in her opposite cheek, and that scab just finally fell off last week. You can kinda see it in this shot.When I went out to take pictures of the goats just now and let them out for some fresh air, something sort of strange happened. I was greeted with this just inside the barn door:What on earth?! Then when Louie, who was still half shaved from our last shearing attempt, came walking out of the barn, I didn't even recognize him! All of his remaining long hair has fallen off...TODAY! So now there's half a goat in a pile on the barn floor and another half a goat, namely Louie, walking around looking much smaller and scrawnier. I'm sure its terribly embarrassing for him at the moment, but even his beard is in the process of abandoning him and is currently dangling from his chin. I did no think that Angoras naturally shed their hair... maybe it's from the stress of the attack? Or maybe it's just this first glimpse of South Carolina summer heat that we're feeling and his body was like, "Yea, not gonna be needing THIS anymore!"
Louie shows his battle scars off to full effect. Thats because whole pieces of his ears are missing.Tierra is doing extremely well, and is still in milk for me. Here's a picture of her beautiful udder, scars and all. The dark splotch is a scar from a decent size tear she had from the dog attack. Feel free to take a moment and admire those teats, though, so uniform... so perfectly sized for a human hand...And what blog post would be complete without a picture of my big helper, Jell-O face and all?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
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